AMERICA/DOMINICAN REPUBLIC - Dengue: alert in hospitals and health centers in the Country

Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Santo Domingo (Agenzia Fides) - The main pediatric hospitals in the capital and private health centers continue to report an increase in visits to their surgeries and hospitalizations of patients suspected of dengue. So far officially 57 deaths and about 5,222 infections have been registered. According to local sources, sent to Fides, in the hospitals in the Country, the director of National Health Services assured that instructions have already been given regarding the formation of vigilante groups. To strengthen control and get a diagnosis, as well as adequate care, Maternal Infantile hospitals in Herrera have created advisory boards and assistance, formed by specialists and other representatives from different areas. In other health care centers, the personnel was alerted on the rising cases of dengue and informed on the recommendations in this regard by the Ministry of Health. (AP) (Agenzia Fides 22/09/2015)
