AMERICA/BOLIVIA - Intervention of Mgr. Scarpellini on the candidacy of Morales: "Alternation is an expression of democracy"

Thursday, 17 September 2015

La Paz (Agenzia Fides) - "As Catholic Church, we affirm that alternation is always an expression of democracy", said the national director of the Pontifical Mission Societies, as well as secretary of the Episcopal Conference of Bolivia, His Exc. Mgr. Eugenio Scarpellini, Bishop of El Alto.

The Director of the PMS was interviewed by the local press after the ruling party announced its intention to re-candidate Evo Morales for the fourth time.

According to a note sent to Fides, two weeks ago, Evo Morales declared that, in his opinion, those who propose alternation in power are seeking a change in the economic model.

Meanwhile, the government and the National Coordinator for Change (CONALCAM) met last week to agree on a proposal for constitutional reform, to enable the candidacy of Evo Morales, which is currently prohibited by the Constitution in force.

Mgr. Scarpellini noted that the population should decide whether to accept or reject this reform. (CE) (Agenzia Fides 17/09/2015)

(CE) (Agenzia Fides, 17/09/2015)
