AFRICA/BURKINA FASO - “Un golpe prevedibile visto che la guardia pretoriana di Compaoré non è stata sciolta

Thursday, 17 September 2015

Ouagadougou (Agenzia Fides) - "We are talking about a predictable coup because the Presidential Guard (Régiment de Sécurité Présidentielle RSP) which reigned for 25 years, was not dissolved after the destitution of Blaise Compaoré in October 2014, and represented a kind of sword of Damocles over the political life of the Country" say to Agenzia Fides sources of the Church of Burkina Faso, where the military of the RSP attacked the presidential building in the capital, Ouagadougou, and deposed interim president Michel Kafando and his Prime Minister, Zida.
Colonel Mamadou Bamba made a statement on TV, in which he announced that he had put an end to the "diverted transition regime" and has initiated a "dialogue to form a government that leads to inclusive and peaceful elections".
"The Presidential Guard is an elite, the personnel Praetorian Guard of the former President. After the elections, that should be held on October 11, this body will probably not exist anymore. "Behind the men of the Presidential Guard there are likely candidates that have been discarded and cannot show up at the next election. They come from the party of the former President and therefore were declared ineligible", the sources said.
"If that is the case that part of the population linked to the party of Compaoré could perhaps support the coup, because after October 2014 they have lost their privileges".
"The situation is still very fluid and uncertain. Take into account also that the members of the Presidential Guard are about 1.200-1300 men who are well armed and trained. The rest of the army was left virtually disarmed by Campaoré who did not trust the ordinary military. We do not know if they have the desire and the ability to oppose the coup. Then we must see if the people will take to the streets against the coup leaders", concludes the source.
The Bishops of Burkina Faso had published a pastoral letter a few days ago in which they advocated "a change of mind in order to have peaceful, free and transparent elections " (see Fides 07/09/2015). (L.M.) (Agenzia Fides 17/09/2015)

AFP Photo/Ahmed Ouoba
