AFRICA/BURUNDI - UN warning: "The crisis in Burundi can trigger a broader regional conflict"

Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Bujumbura (Agenzia Fides) - "There is a risk of a major conflict in the Great Lakes region, which no one can predict the proportions" if the political crisis in Burundi is not resolved. This is the warning launched by Pablo de Greiff, a UN expert, before the Human Rights Council of the United Nations in Geneva. De Greif returned from an exploratory mission in Burundi, a Country that is going through the worst crisis in the last 10 years, after President Pierre Nkurunziza was re-elected for a third term in violation of the Constitution.
"This warning is being launched to emphasize that the international community, including regional and international organizations, cannot afford to wait for new massacres to take place", said the UN expert.
"The warning launched to the UN in Geneva is right" said Church sources in Burundi to Fides, who for security reasons have asked to remain anonymous. "In Burundi, there are currently at least three rebel groups, not counting those who are in the neighboring Democratic Republic of Congo. The entire Great Lakes region is also where illegal trafficking of weapons takes place. Therefore to arm yourself and give birth to a guerrilla war is not difficult", the sources told Fides.
Security in the Country remains precarious, because, as we are told, "every morning the bodies of people killed during the night are found in Bujumbura. There is also insecurity and fear in the provinces. For example last night a district manager was killed in the province of Makamba, in the south". (L.M.) (Agenzia Fides 16/09/2015)
