Rome (Fides) - On the occasion of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, (18-25 January 2005), S. Egidio Communities all over the world dedicate evening prayer meetings to this intention.
Here are some of the meetings proposed by the Community:
ANTWERPEN: ecumenical prayer, Thursday 20 January 8pm - Magdalenakapel, Kammenstraat 51, Antwerpen.
PRAGUE (CZECH REP.): Ecumenical prayer in memory of the witnesses of the faith of the 20th century who gave their life for the Gospel. 20 January 6pm Holy Cross Church in central Praga, presided by: Catholic Bishop Václav Malý, the Head of the Churches of the Bohemian Brothers Joel Ruml, the Patriarch of the Czech Husit Church Jan Schwarz, the Esarch of the Greek-Catholic Church Ladislav Hučko, the chancellor of the Orthodox Church in Czech Rep., Václav Míšek. ROME: Basilica Santa Maria in Trastevere, every evening 8.30 community prayer dedicated to the intercession for unity of Christians with members of other Christian churches present in Rome. More information in the days to come. (P.L.R.) (Agenzia Fides 20/01/2005 - Righe 15; Parole 165)