Sportsmen, pressmen, religious, political and cultural personalities will discuss ‘Sport, School of Life’ on 20 January at the Pontifical Lateran University

Thursday, 13 January 2005

Rome (Fides Service) - To mark the closing of the European Year of Education a debate will be held on ‘Sport for Youth as a place of Values: Investing in Humanity’ on 20 January at the Paolo VI Hall, Pontifical Lateran University in Rome. The objective of the event, organised by Finetica (Lateranense-Bocconi) and SRI (Socially Responsible Italia), in collaboration with Italian Bishops’ Commission for pastoral care for leisure time, tourism and sport and CSI (Centro Sportivo Italiano) and sponsored by Banca Intesa, is to emphasise the function of sport as a school of life for children. Among those taking part Olympic water polo gold medal Maddalena Musumeci, Roma footballer Damiano Tommasi, and gymnastics gold medal at the Athens Olympics Igor Cassina; journalists Sergio Rizzo, Ruggero Palombo, Mario Sconcerti eBruno Pizzul; Mgr Carlo Mazza, head of the office for pastoral care for leisure time, tourism and sport and Mgr Sergio Lanza, president of Finetica; Edio Costantini, president CSI and Mariolina Moioli, Director General of the Ministry of Universities and Research. For more information: Tino Redaelli, SRI - tel.026261191 fax 02626119255
(S.L.) (Agenzia Fides 13/1/2005 - Righe 17, Parole 198)
