ASIA/PHILIPPINES - From the crisis of Zamboanga, a hope for Muslim-Christian relations

Friday, 11 September 2015

Zamboanga City (Agenzia Fides) - From the crisis of Zamboanga, the city of the Philippines "destroyed" by Islamic rebels in September 2013, can and must be a hope to improve and develop the Muslim-Christian relations in the southern Philippines in a harmonious way: with this hope the "Silsilah" movement for dialogue, founded in Mindanao by Fr. Sebastiano D'Ambra, PIME, recalls the tragic events that took place two years ago in the city that is in the far south of Mindanao island.
"That siege, caused so much pain, hatred and death. Many still live in fear", says a note sent to Fides by the "Silsilah" movement that, on the anniversary of that event, issued a publication with stories of people who talk about their experience of good relations between Christians and Muslims.
"Silsilah" says: "There is also great affection among Muslims and Christians in Zamboanga. We can live together in peace if we love each other, accepting the differences of our faiths and cultures. God has planted in us all the same seed of love. We are brothers and sisters, with the same spiritual desire in life. Desire is also a dream: to live in harmony, solidarity and peace as part of the same human family. Together we can transform Zamboanga in a land of hope".
The movement said that "the creation of lasting peace in Mindanao will be a good thing for all, Muslims and Christians." (PA) (Agenzia Fides 11/09/2015)
