Bogota (Agenzia Fides) – In order to follow more closely the many and complex measures adopted by the local Catholic Church’s Pan-Amazon network REDPAM, in the process of the latter’s institutional consolidation and definition of organization, almost 12 months since its foundation, the city of Manaus (Brazil) will host from 17 to 22 August, a meeting of the executive committee composed of representatives of the seven area committees which comprise the organisation of the Rede (network): communication; indigenous peoples; international networks; alternative development models - climate change and dignified style of living; pastoral formation and methods; human rights and international advocacy; research.
The purpose of the meeting is to "share specific progress regarding the definition of the method of serving the Church’s mission in the Pan-Amazon area, involving the executive committee, executive secretariat and integrated project". At the same time, the gathering will serve to share the importance of various strategic axises and to reach a deeper understanding of Pan-Amazon’s incarnate spirituality in the light of Pope Francis’ recent Encyclical Letter “Laudato sì”
(CE) (Agenzia Fides, 13/08/2015)