Santiago del Chile (Agenzia Fides) – “We urge all authorities to safeguard every human person, in particular the weakest and most vulnerable, to love and respect them as a mother loves her child.”. This was said in a recent statement issued by the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Chile. The Bishops call on the country’s legislators to promote just laws and not to collaborate with laws on abortion. In brief the Bishops affirm that abortion can never be therapeutic. “We say that abortion in itself can never be a therapeutic action to save the life of a mother, even if the death of the unborn child is a foreseen possibility, neither desired, nor provoked”, the Bishops add. “In the case of the undesired death of the unborn child caused by an action to save the mother in danger, we cannot speak of abortion”, the statement reads. In the case of women who have been raped, “it is inhuman to leave them to face the trauma alone, just as it is inhuman to take the life of the most defenceless and innocent human person, her child”. The local Catholic Church in Chile stressed the importance for a government and society “to be active and present” in the task of supporting mothers and babies. (AP) (3/8/2015 Agenzia Fides)