Potosì (Agenzia Fides) - 27 July marked the beginning of dialogue between the civic committee of Potosi and various representatives of the government. Although there exists a willingness to end the situation of conflict which has lasted for more than twenty years (see Fides 24/07/2015), the sides have yet to agree on principal points to define as the first step in the meeting.
The local Catholic Church in the person of Mons. Ricardo Ernesto Centellas Guzmán, Bishop of the diocese of Potosì, has called once again for dialogue which must be sincere: "We are convinced that the only possible solution to reach an agreement with the people is to commence sincere and immediate dialogue and therefore I urge you for love of Bolivia and love of Potosì to heed the demand that promotes this encounter between government and people in the context of respect and freedom because the rule of law is always possible", the local Church statement sent to Fides concludes.
(CE) (Agenzia Fides, 29/07/2015)