AMERICA/MEXICO - Mariachi Zombie: amusing animated television series discredits bad zombie myth

Monday, 27 July 2015

Jalisco (Agenzia Fides) – Mariachi zombie is the title of a new television cartoon series just launched in Mexico. Mariachi zombie is a programme of entertainment for children aged 7-11 comprising 52 episodes each 11 minutes long. The aim of each instalment, with the help of Mexican music and funny stories, is to integrate the best of Mariachi culture with zombie story cartoons. The hero is a colourful zombie, a mariachi whose music and peace are regularly interrupted by human neighbours intent on ridding themselves of this rather bewildered looking being. The programme is intended to break the stereotype that zombie stands for negative and in fact in these stories zombies are the good ones. This is the first time that a series of children’s programmes focuses on the zombie music world. Making zombies the main characters, at least once, offers new possibilities and sources of entertainment. Atomic Cartoons, a Canadian animation company has studios in Vancouver and Kelowna. Lunch Media, the Mexican company directing the new series, is based in Guadalajara and deals with cinema products, as well animated and audio-visual productions. (AP) (27/7/2015 Agenzia Fides)
