Managua (Agenzia Fides) - In Central America there are more than 2 million children under five years of age who suffer from anemia and more than 1 million and 900,000 who suffer from malnutrition. This is what was highlighted during the presentation of the Alliance for Human Right to Food in Nicaragua, which is part of the project development of the PECOSOL-CONSUACCIÓN platform for Food Security and Nutrition in Central America. Children are the most vulnerable section of the population. According to UN figures, 800 million people suffer from malnutrition worldwide. This Alliance, currently existing in Costa Rica, is composed, among others, by representatives of the State, NGOs, academia, and tries to ensure the functioning of the legal framework in favor of the right to food. It also promotes the active participation of citizens in public decisions on the subject, in addition to strengthening the awareness of the population on the rights to food and nutrition security. (AP) (Agenzia Fides 16/07/2015)