Merida (Agenzia Fides) - The talent, creativity and imagination of 450 indigenous Mexican children have found their expression in some murals on display in the magnificent facilities of the Gran Mundo Maya Museum of Merida, Yucatan. It is a very important recreational project. The project consists of 18 large paintings by children belonging to 16 ethnic groups: maya, nahua, tzeltal, zapotecs, huastecos, tlapanecos, mazatecos, otomíes, popolucas, mixtecs, mixes, wirrárikas, mayos, tarahumaras, purépechas and Triquis. Another particular feature is the involvement of disabled children, excited that their drawings are exposed in an area dedicated to the Mayan culture.
The project, El Arte Mural de las Niñas y Niños de México was presented for the first time in 1993 at the Fine Arts building in Mexico City and will remain until next December 31. This collective and multicolored work had already been exhibited in the United States, Japan, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Iceland, Finland and Greenland. (AP) (Agenzia Fides 02/07/2015)