AMERICA/CHILE - Procession at sea on Easter Island for St. Peter, praying for the Pope's visit

Wednesday, 1 July 2015

Valparaiso (Agenzia Fides) - The feast of St. Peter, the patron saint of fishermen, is deeply felt in different parts of Latin America, where fishing is a major activity for the economic sustenance of families.
Also on Easter Island the Catholic community, formed mostly by fishermen, honoured St. Peter on June 29 and prayed especially for the upcoming trip of the Successor of Peter, Pope Francis, in Ecuador, Bolivia and Paraguay .
According to information gathered by Fides, Holy Mass was celebrated at 9 am presided by the parish priest was attended by many fishermen and also representatives of the Chilean Navy. After Mass the procession began, starting from the parish church, where the images of St. Peter were carried. After placing the images on the boats, festively decorated with long palm branches, the procession at sea began, during which the participants prayed especially for fishermen and for the Holy Father, for his health and his upcoming visit to Latin America. At the end of the procession at sea the blessing was imparted to those present. (SL) (Agenzia Fides 01/07/2015)
