AFRICA/KENYA - Even two Westerners among the Shabaab killed in an assault on a military camp

Monday, 15 June 2015

Nairobi (Agenzia Fides) - The Kenyan military announced the killing of 11 Somali militants of Al Shabaab, who were part of a commando of 100 men who in the early hours of Sunday, June 14 attacked a military camp in Lumu, on the coast.
Two of the attackers killed were westerners, one was identified as a British subject, who had converted to Islam.
Two soldiers died in the assault, which occurred on the first anniversary of the attack in the nearby resort of Mpeketoni, which had caused the death of 70 civilians (see Fides 16/06/2014).
Before the assault on the military camp, on the same night, about sixty Shabaab had entered the village of Mangai, always in Lamu County, and before leaving they gathered the people in the mosque and preached for three hours.
According to Kenyan authorities, the Shabaab have a base in the forest of Boni. (L.M.) (Agenzia Fides 15/06/2015)
