Buenos Aires (Agenzia Fides) - The first parish outside Mexico dedicated to St. Juan Diego - the young Aztec to whom the Virgin of Guadalupe appeared in 1531 - was inaugurated yesterday in Villa Lugano, a poor neighborhood in the south of Buenos Aires. Cardinal Norberto Rivera Carrera, Archbishop of Mexico City celebrated Mass. After mass, the multitude of faithful gave birth to a big feast. "I come from far away, the place where Juan Diego told the Virgin to look for a more worthy messenger, because he was just a simple worker", said Cardinal Rivera during the homily.
The erection of the parish dedicated to St. Juan Diego was prepared by the then Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, when the current Bishop of Rome was still Archbishop of Buenos Aires. The Mass of inauguration was concelebrated by Cardinal Mario Aurelio Poli - current Archbishop of the Argentine capital - and the rector of the Mexican Shrine of Guadalupe Mgr. Enrique Glennie Graue.
Even in Argentina, as in other countries of Latin America, the devotion to Juan Diego of Cuauhtlatoatzin, canonized on July 22, 2002 by St. John Paul II continues to grow. (CE) (Agenzia Fides 02/05/2015)