Tegucigalpa (Agenzia Fides) - Child population is around two million in Honduras and 14% are involved in the labor market. According to the National Institute of Statistics 371 386 children between 5 and 17 years of age work. 9% of the total works; 4.9% study and work; 15.6% do not study and do not work and only 70.4% study. This is what emerged in the document presented by the World Vision International organization which deals with children's rights. The study indicates that young children are used in different areas, but the main area regards agriculture: 59.7%; of these 74.8% are boys and 19.3% girls. They also work as masons, mechanics, and 3.1% as domestic servants. Children’s salary is less than the minimum established, although in most cases they work as adults. An important finding indicates that the workforce of girls represents 37.3%. (AP) (Agenzia Fides 25/03/2015)