Arizona (Fides) - The organization KBI (Kino Border Initiative) aims to contribute to the management of migration between the US and Mexico in a just, humane and sustainable manner, promoting policies that put the dignity of human beings at the center.
A group of young people working on this project in the Lourdes Catholic School, in Arizona, recently sent a letter and a video to Pope Francis with the aim of informing him on the work of "Kino Teens" at the service of immigrants and to raise awareness about the reality of migration, in addition to inviting him to visit the border with Mexico, in particular Nogales.
Pope Francis answered with a letter addressed to Father Sean Carroll, a Jesuit priest who leads the Catholic youth group Kino Teens in Nogales, Arizona, recognizing the inhuman situation that exists on the border between the US and Mexico. "The Pope really supports what the members of this initiative are doing - said Father Sean Carroll, according to a note sent to Agenzia Fides -. He addressed a few words and pointed out that, as a Church, we have no boundaries". The Pope also said that the problem of immigration is not only a legal issue, but an "inhuman" situation and therefore recognizes the work of these young people to help immigrants in their difficult journey. (CE) (Agenzia Fides 06/02/2015)