ASIA/IRAQ - In Ankawa thousands of faithful take part in procession for the feast of the Immaculate Conception

Tuesday, 9 December 2014

Erbil (Agenzia Fides) – Thousands took part in a procession on Saturday 7 of December for the Feast of the Immaculate Conception which moved through the streets of Ankawa, a mainly Christian suburb of the city of Erbil, which since last August has offered refuge to most of the refugees fleeing from Mosul and Christian villages in the Niniveh Plains in the face of the advance of Islamic State Jihadist warriors (IS). This act of devotion dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary, held in preparation for the Feast of the Immaculate Conception commenced in the courtyard of the Church of St Joseph with the singing of Marian hymns followed there followed a brief homily by Chaldean Catholic Patriarch Louis Raphael I, after which the crowds of faithful began to walk in procession towards the statue of Mary Immaculate which stands at the gates of Ankawa.
Gathered around the statue under the evening sky illuminated by thousands of candles, the people taking part listened in silence to a video-message from Pope Francis who sent his blessing and his words of comfort to all Iraqi Christians. In his message the Bishop of Rome cited Saint Teresa of the Child Jesus, one of the patron saints of missions: “I am thinking of Saint Teresa of the Child Jesus – the Pope remarked – who said that she and the Church felt like a reed: when the wind or the tempest comes, the reed bends but does not break. You, at this moment, are this reed, you bend with grief but you have the strength with your faith to carry on, which for us your testimony. You are God’s reed today! Reeds bend down with the ferocious wind but they will stand up again”.
Among the participants Cardinal Philippe Barbarin, accompanied by a large delegation of volunteers from the Catholic diocese of Lyons. It was the French Cardinal who carried to Ankawa the Pope’s video message to Iraqi Christians. (GV) (Agenzia Fides 9/12/2014).
