Bogotà (Agenzia Fides) – The Colombian government and FARC (Colombian Revolutionary Forces) will resume peace talks on 10 December. The announcement was made yesterday from Cuba in a joint statement by delegations of both sides. According to information received by Fides, the talks, to last from 10 to 17 Decembe,r will also examine the question of victims of the conflict. The talks were suspended when General Alzate Mora and other persons were taken hostage by FARC, and then released (see Fides 02/12/2014).
On learning the news, Archbishop Luís Augusto Castro Quiroga of Tunja, also president of the Catholic Bishops Conference of Colombia, (CEC), commented: "I encourage those involved to set aside any disputes and misunderstanding regarding the kidnapping and then release of those persons, and to focus on what Colombia anxiously awaits, the signing of a peace agreement".
In an interview given to radio RCN, Archbishop Castro Quiroga recalled that the local Catholic Church, the United Nations and Universidad Nacional are working to select the fifth and final delegation of victims, scheduled to be in Cuba on 16 December. (CE) (Agenzia Fides, 05/12/2014)