AFRICA/LIBYA – Not only local militia, also foreign interests clash in Libya

Thursday, 4 December 2014

Tripoli (Agenzia Fides) - In Libya there is a strategic struggle among various Arab and non-Arab powers, in which a number of local actors play a primary role, while being in turn backed by foreign referents. The United Nations Organization is attempting with difficulty to mediate between the parties with a Conference to open 9 December. The participants will be the two “governments” which claim to represent the nation’s legitimate authority. Firstly the executive led by Omar al Hassi, a member of the Muslim Brotherhood, which has reinstalled the former National Congress, the parliament elected in 2012 whose mandate expired some time ago. This government installed itself in Tripoli after it was taken by the pro-Islamic Dawn (Fajr), consisting of armed Misurata groups, following fierce clashes with Zintan militiamen.
This government is opposed by another one led by Abdullah al Thani, appointed by the House of Representatives elected 25 June 2014 but forced for reasons of security to meet in Tobruk, in Cyrenaica. This executive, recognised by various countries, can count on divisions of the Libyan army now being reorganised, and especially the militia of general Khalifa Haftar, which in May launched operation "Dignity" to "rid" the country of jihadist militia pro-Isis (Islamic State operating in Syria and Iraq) led by Ansar al Sharia. Haftar can rely on an air-force with which he has struck Tripoli, Bengasi and other cities in the hands of enemy militia. Some of these raids appear to have been carried out by United Arab Emirates aircraft, based in Egypt, although the Emirate and Egyptian authorities have always denied any involvement.
The Misurata militia, linchpin of militia forces of the Tripoli based executive, are in turn supported by Qatar. Reliable sources however told Fides that lately Qatar is said to have abandoned its line of support for the Muslim Brothers and affiliated movements (such as Misurata militia), to support the position of Arabia and the Emirates. The Brothers at the moment appear to be supported only by Turkey.
All this is having heavy repercussions on the ground. On 3 December the government of Thani announced a new military operation to “liberate Tripoli from armed groups operating outside government authority”. (L.M.) (Agenzia Fides 4/12/2014)
