AMERICA/COLOMBIA - Observatory for Reconciliation and Peace is created

Saturday, 29 November 2014

Bogota (Agenzia Fides) - To support peace negotiations with the FARC and to work for national reconciliation. This is the purpose of the Observatory for reconciliation and peace, recognized by the National Conciliation Commission.
According to a note sent to Fides by the Colombian Episcopal Conference, on November 27, an agreement to form a new body was reached at the headquarters of the Episcopal Conference (CEC) between the National Secretariat of Social Pastoral of the Episcopal Conference of Colombia, Planeta Paz, the Cooperative Viva citizenship, the National Network of initiatives for peace and against war (Redepaz), the Center for research and popular Education/Programme for Peace and the network of programs for Development and Peace, with the support of the United States Foundation for International Development USAID and IOM International Organization for Migration.
Thanks to the resumption of talks Peace in Cuba, the Observatory for Reconciliation and Peace aims to support the efforts of reconciliation already existing in Colombia; analyze the characteristics and evolution of the process; have an impact on the territory and regions in what concerns policies, plans, programs, projects and actions in the post-conflict. (CE) (Agenzia Fides 29/11/2014)
