Bogota (Agenzia Fides) - Despite their recent statements, FARC show a willingness to continue the peace negotiations underway in Havana: this is what the Archbishop of Tunja, President of the Episcopal Conference of Colombia (CEC), His Exc. Mgr. Luis Augusto Castro Quiroga said. "They say so many things that sometimes we do not like, but the important thing is that when they refer to peace talks they demonstrate reliability and seriousness in their commitment", said Mgr. Castro Quiroga, according to the note sent to Fides by CEC. A few days ago FARC in fact had publicly stated: "what is happening in Colombia must be solved in Colombia, (...) while dialogue in Cuba must continue".
On November 24, Mgr. Castro Quiroga met with the President of Colombia, Juan Manuel Santos Calderón, together with Father Dario Echeverry, secretary of the Commission for National Reconciliation. The meeting was also attended by the chief negotiator of the government team, Humberto de la Calle, Ministers advisers of the Presidency and retired General Oscar Naranjo. After the meeting the Archbishop reiterated the support of the Catholic Church to continue peace talks.
In recent days, Colombia has experienced significant events linked to the path for peace: the kidnapping by FARC of an army general, along with four soldiers and a civilian (see Fides 17/11/2014); the suspension, by President Santos Calderón, of dialogues for the ongoing peace in Cuba (see Fides 18/11/2014); the declaration of FARC, on November 18, of wanting to continue dialogue for lasting peace; the release (yesterday) of 2 soldiers kidnapped along with the general, as a sign of commitment to continue peace negotiations. (CE) (Agenzia Fides 26/11/2014)