Managua (Agenzia Fides) - Cardinal Leopoldo Brenes Solórzano, Archbishop of Managua and recently elected President of the Episcopal Conference of Nicaragua, has called on the government of President Daniel Ortega to answer all the questions arising from the news that within a month the construction of the transoceanic canal between the Pacific and the Atlantic (see Fides 24/11/2014) will begin.
The note sent to Agenzia Fides by local sources reported the Cardinal’s words: "How much will those who carry out the work earn? Neither they nor the government have said how much they will earn. There should be nothing to hide, but should be completely transparent (...), because if the canal brings benefits to all, then everyone should be well informed".
Cardinal Brenes stressed that the canal is a common concern of the Bishops of the Episcopal Conference because it directly affects the territories of the Apostolic Vicariate of Bluefields, of the Diocese of Chontales and the Diocese of Granada.
According to what is reported by the local media, there are voices for and against the megaproject. Last weekend hundreds of people demonstrated in Managua in favor of the canal. Others organized marches and meetings, expressing their opposition to the construction of the work. (CE) (Agenzia Fides 25/11/2014)