AFRICA/KENYA - The comfort of the Church for the victims of the attack in the area of Lake Turkana

Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Nairobi (Agenzia Fides) – The attack against a police contingent carried out by an armed group in the early morning hours of November 1st in Kapedo, in the Lake Turkana area, in northern Kenya caused 22 victims. Among the dead 20 were policemen and 2 civilians. The sacrifice of law enforcement officers was recalled on November 2 by His Exc. Mgr. Salesius Mugambi, Bishop of Meru and Chaplain of the Police Forces of Kenya, during the Mass for security operators which is held every year at the beginning of November.
"We pray for the souls of the police officers", said Mgr. Mugambi, according to what was reported by the Catholic News Agency for Africa. The Bishop urged Kenyans to live in peace and to go beyond tribal, religious and political divisions, because "each of us is created in the image of God".
Vice President William Ruto thanked Mgr. Mugambi for the spiritual comfort offered to the families and colleagues of the officers killed, and stated that the government will do everything in its power to stop the violence.
The area of Lake Turkana has long been at the center of tensions and violence between groups of Samburu and Turkana pastors, with raids and cattle rustling. The tension is heightened also by the trade of illegal weapons coming from the neighboring States. In 2012, forty policemen were killed in an ambush similar to that carried out on Saturday (see Fides 13/11/2012). (L.M.) (Agenzia Fides 04/11/2014)
