AMERICA/VENEZUELA – May Saint John Paul II accompany Venezuela in the paths of peace and justice

Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Chacao (Agenzia Fides) - The Apostolic Nuncio to Venezuela, Archbishop Aldo Giordano, took part in the tribute to Pope John Paul II prepared by the authorities of Venezuela in Chacao, one of the five municipalities that make up the Metropolitan District of Caracas, to remember the Pilgrim Pope in this country, on the eve of his liturgical feast, October 22.
In the presence of civil and religious authorities, and of the entire population, on Sunday, October 19, the mayor of Chacao said: "This is a time of reflection and spirituality, we come to humbly pay a tribute to John Paul II, a great man who taught us the path to find peace, reconciliation, solidarity and freedom, which is now more than ever valid for all Venezuelans".
The note sent to Fides reports that the Apostolic Nuncio expressed joy and satisfaction for the tribute paid to the Pilgrim Pope: "We all have at heart his closeness towards the whole world, peoples, different cultures and religions. He was very fond of our beloved Venezuela, so I feel very happy to share with you this tribute to our beloved Saint. May Pope John Paul II, accompany our beloved Venezuela in the path of peace and justice".
After the public celebration, Mgr. Giordano met with reporters and said that "the dialogue that has taken place so far has been with the media, now it is time for concrete action" and offered the cooperation of the Church in this task. (CE) (Agenzia Fides 21/10/2014)
