AMERICA/DOMINICAN REPUBLIC - Requests on behalf of the National Assembly of Pastoral Care: Austerity and solidarity with workers,

Tuesday, 7 October 2014

Santo Domingo (Agenzia Fides) - After analyzing the social reality of the Dominican Republic, the 32nd National Assembly of Pastoral Care, held in Santo Domingo last week (see Fides 03/10/2014), asks rulers to be serious and for an austerity plan in favor of workers.
His Exc. Mgr. José Dolores Grullon Estrella, Bishop of San Juan de la Maguana, said that the wage increase must be accompanied by a provision that prohibits companies to raise the prices of products: "Every time there is a wage increase, there is also an increase in all products; There must be an austerity plan for companies, to earn less, think less of themselves, so that the poor may have something". The Bishop has appealed to companies so that they contribute to increase fairness and solidarity, to break the vicious circle that increases poverty among workers.
According to information sent to Fides Agency, the full text of the conclusions of the Assembly will be published soon and will serve as a pastoral guide and coordination for the Dominican Catholic communities. The National Pastoral Plan has the theme: "a people in mission, sensitive to solidarity that shares the needs of others, especially the poor". (CE) (Agenzia Fides 07/10/2014)
