Sucre (Agenzia Fides) - According to a recent study prepared by the World Bank, a child born in an indigenous place in Latin America is twice as likely to live in poverty and three times to live in a state of poverty compared to his/her peers.
Despite the number of indigenous people living in poverty has currently decreased, the gap that exists between them and the rest of Latin America has increased. It is a clear example of the fact that social and economic progress in the last decade have not reached all social groups. Among the 37 million Latin American people 7% are indigenous and are found in all Countries, especially in Bolivia and Guatemala (41%), Peru (15.7%), Mexico (15%) or Panama (12.2%). However, in recent years progress has been made to include them in society and today some also carry out important political roles. (AP) (Agenzia Fides 25/09/2014)