Guatemala City (Agenzia Fides) – Indicators of poverty and undernourishment in this country show clearly that unless Guatemalans win the battle against this scourge, the country will remain in the present state of underdevelopment, with half of the population suffering from precarious conditions of growth, learning difficulties, prey to all kinds of illnesses. To meet the emergency, the government has promised programmes called “Zero Hunger” and “The one thousand day window”. In the areas of Santiago Sacatepéquez and Sumpango, where indicators of chronic undernourishment register respectively 70 and 80%, programmes involved some 388 children under five years old and 379 mothers. The 388 children’s undernourishment conditions were the following: 188 acute and 228 chronic. Five months later 50 minors and all the mothers had recovered and of the latter 32 had been trained as Promoters of Food and Nourishment Security. Nevertheless the situation is still serious and complex due to various factors not least widespread low levels of instruction; resistance to change in customs also cultural; paternalism to which the communities are accustomed ; large families with as many as 12 children with insufficient income; little interest in healthcare, health centres closed; personnel demotivated by outdated low salaries; scarcity of medicines and all kinds of formation materials. What is more, the situation is bound to deteriorate, due to the effects of severe prolonged drought in the area. (AP) (10/9/2014 Agenzia Fides)