AFRICA/SIERRA LEONE - Ebola: local Catholic church commitment

Wednesday, 3 September 2014

AFRICA/SIERRA LEONE - Ebola: Catholic church commitment
Makeni (Agenzia Fides) – “We use our pulpits to explain to people how to avoid becoming infected with the disease. A special task force, headed by the diocesan Caritas office, has been formed to coordinate response to the crisis. Pamphlets and other material has been given to parishes for distribution to catechists and pastoral workers as part of a wider programme of awareness building and to spread information about the Ebola virus. In agreement with the Interreligious Council of Pastors and Imams in Sierra Leone, messages and letters have been circulated among the people warning of the seriousness of the situation. Everyone must heed and act according to directions issued by the competent health authorities ”. This was how Fr. Joe Turay, Vice rector of the Catholic University of Makeni, described to Fides what the Catholic Church’s is doing to cope with the spread of Ebola in Sierra Leone.
“Our Catholic University is part of the diocesan task force Fr. Turay continues -, which works to offer support to families and monitor homes where persons live in quarantine as well as identifying more ways to face the crisis. Our hospitals and health care centres provide the necessary services, although many patients stay away for fear of being branded. Not receiving funds from the government these services will have to make cuts and find alternative funds. The taskforce team supplies food, chlorine and protective gloves”.
Another important means of spreading awareness is radio: Radio Maria Sierra Leone is broadcasting talks on the issue by doctors, experts, town and village representatives, members of parliament. “Support programmes are taking shape– says Fr Turay – programmes to support people in quarantine confined in their homes and accompany them in these difficult times”.
“The challenges are many and we are scarcely equipped to face them, but we will not give up,– the priest concludes -. At this difficult time we gather with the people, we pray together that God may give us the necessary wisdom and courage to tackle the crisis.”.
According to the Sierra Leone Health Ministry the situation in the country on 31 August was as follows: 244 cases of patients hospitalised, recovered and discharged, 44 new cases, 387 fatal cases, 1.077 confirmed cases. The only district where there have been no confirmed cases of Ebola is Kaoinadugu. Sierra Leone has a population of about 6 million. (SL) (Agenzia Fides 03/09/2014)
