AMERICA/PERU - Killed during their missionary work 23 years ago

Monday, 18 August 2014

Chimbote (Agenzia Fides) - In the month of August the Diocese of Chimbote (Peru) commemorates the martyrdom of 2 Franciscan friars: Zbigniew Strzalkowski and Miguel Tomaszek, in the town of Pariacoto (in the north of the capital), and Father Sandro Dordi in the city of Santa, murdered 23 years ago, during their mission of evangelization among the poor.
The parishes of Pariacoto and Santa, like every year, have organized a pilgrimage to the place of martyrdom and Eucharistic celebrations.
As reported in the statement sent to Fides by a local source, at the beginning of August 1991, the Franciscans Zbigniew Strzalkowski and Michael Tomaszek were killed in the city of Pariacoto by a terrorist group (see Fides 09/08/2011). Two weeks later, Father Sandro Dordi was killed by terrorists in the city of Santa.
The community throughout the region commemorates the martyrdom of these three religious men who gave their lives for their faith. (CE) (Agenzia Fides 18/08/2014)
