Barinas (Agenzia Fides) - There are thousands of young Venezuelans who will, as from today, participate in the V National Missionary Youth Congress (CONAJUMI) at the Diocese of Barinas (Venezuela). The Pontifical Mission Societies in Venezuela, through the Commission for Missionary Animation for "JOVENMISION", will guide this moment, which takes place from August 6 to 10. The event is attended by young people from various cities around the Country, including the movements involved in the Youth Pastoral in Venezuela.
The note sent to Fides by the PMS in Venezuela, reports that the slogan of the meeting is "Young missionary, encourage our Church to come out". The Congress intends to "Review and celebrate in the light of the 4th American Missionary Congress (CAM4-COMLA9 ) held in Maracaibo (Venezuela), from 26 to 30 November, 2013 (see Fides 11/28/2013), the distance covered by JOVENMISIÓN in 30 years of service to the young in the missionary Church of Venezuela". (CE) (Agenzia Fides 06/08/2014)