AMERICA/COLOMBIA - "The reality of Buenaventura is still critical" denounces Mgr. Epalza

Monday, 9 June 2014

Buenaventura (Agenzia Fides) - A new alarm for the high number of murders in the area of Buenaventura was launched by the Bishop of the Diocese of Buenaventura, His Exc. Mgr. Héctor Epalza Quintero, P.S.S.: between the months of May and June 7, 10 people were killed, and the bodies of two of them were dismembered. The note sent to Fides by a local source reports the Bishop’s words: "The intervention of the State at the beginning was very strong, and should not diminish. What has happened shows how evil has more creativity than law itself". On Tuesday, 3 June, a dismembered body was found in the area of Gamboa, near the train station: it was that of a 17-year-old boy reported missing.
The violence in the area has been repeatedly denounced by the Bishop himself in different circumstances (see Fides 13/09/2013). The serious situation in this port on the Pacific led to military intervention on March 21. Mgr. Epalza stressed that "this horrible evil of violence and kidnapping for murder has not yet been eradicated", and continued: "There are people who continue in their myopia and believe that nothing has happened. They must be very blind not to realize that the reality of Buenaventura is still critical and needs a lot of attention". (CE) (Agenzia Fides 09/06/2014)
