AMERICA/MEXICO - Immigrants march with a bishop to ask for "freedom of transit"

Saturday, 3 May 2014

Saltillo (Agenzia Fides) - A convoy of more than 800 immigrants marched through the streets of the Mexican city of Saltillo to ask for "freedom of transit" to the local authorities. The immigrants, all from Central American countries such as Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, and others, gathered on May 1, invoking the possibility of crossing the country (although many arrive without documents), in a transit that leads them, in most cases, towards North America.
Mgr. Raul Vera, Bishop of Saltillo joined the caravan, in a sign of support of the diocese to the tragedy experienced by immigrant brothers and sisters. A note sent to Fides reports his words: "We see this tragedy not only here in Mexico, but also in other countries around the world. The Pope spoke of the tragedy of indifference, in which we are involved. Today, we ask for their freedom of movement".
Immigrants, after about 5 hours of walking, arrived at the central square of Saltillo and each group sang the anthem of their country. Shortly before, a committee of 12 representatives, among them Mgr. Vera, went to meet the governor of the city to ask for the freedom of transit on behalf of migrants. (CE) (Agenzia Fides 03/05/2014)
