Lima (Agenzia Fides) - A group of Peruvian institutions, concerned about the concentration of media in a single group (El Comercio) after the purchase of products from the EPENSA company, has publicly expressed its concern because in such a situation "there is a risk regarding the right to information and the right to communicate of each Peruvian citizen". The document, sent to Fides Agency by local sources, is titled "Without communication, there are no rights", and highlights the risk of the "fundamental rights of the human person for political, social and economic cohabitation".
"The current panorama of the media, in terms of press, radio and television - promotes the hegemony of ideas and imposes on citizens a national program that does not correspond to the reality of the country, with a serious impact on democracy and governance capability", the text reads .
The document concludes by asking accessions to protest and reaffirming that "the right to information, freedom of expression and communication are essential to defend and require others, such as the right to health, education, housing, decent work, justice etc...". According to the Peruvian press, after the purchase of the shares of the Epensa company, the El Comercio group now owns 77% of the advertising and management of the print media in Peru, a situation without comparison in the democratic world, according to the Peruvian journalists. (CE) (Agenzia Fides 14/01/2014)