Managua (Agenzia Fides) - "It is really sad to read news that a person, especially a young person, a child dies due to dengue hemorrhagic fever", said the Archbishop of Managua, Msgr. Leopoldo Brenes, in a statement sent to Fides Agency by the Diocese of Managua. He urged the entire population to join in the World Sanitation Day promoted by government authorities together with other institutions. Mgr. Brenes also added that each family must pay attention to the hygiene of their homes, to keep them clean and follow all recommendations made by local health authorities". This is not a struggle carried out exclusively by the Ministry of Health, but a challenge that concerns all Nicaraguans". " Dengue fever does not respect anyone, children, the youth, adults, the elderly, the statement said, I myself was infected by the virus 10 years ago and thank God I was treated in time. This is why I invite families to observe the highest standards of hygiene", said the Archbishop. (AP) (Agenzia Fides 07/11/2013)