Brasilia (Fides Service) - On Sunday 31 October the Church in Brazil celebrated National Youth Day on the theme “public policies for youth”. The Day which has a missionary character and is celebrated all over the nation, concentrates each year on a particular social or ecclesial theme. This year during which there are administrative elections, reflection centred on questions regarding work since young people are among those most affected by unemployment.
In preparation for the annual event the Bishops’ Commission for the Laity, youth section, issued a handbook containing three possible themes for reflection and liturgical celebrations. It focuses on each of the themes in a dynamic way offering suggestions for study, indication of books, web sites and films in view of group reflection on the proposed subjects.
In a message for the occasion, Clemido Sa, Bishops’ Conference national secretary for youth pastoral said that the aim of National Youth Day “is the announce to young people the message of Good News entrusted to us by God. We must reach out to young people and go in search of them to let them know that they are important and that they are loved with a special love by God and by the Church”. (R.Z.) (Agenzia Fides 3/11/2004; righe 17, parole 216)