Mexico City (Agenzia Fides) - To protect and promote the human rights of immigrants through the assistance and management of their main problems is the goal of the National Commission of Human Rights Program (CNDH). The CNDH argues that the passage without the documentation of boys, girls, men and women immigrants to Mexico should not deprive them of their human rights under applicable national and international laws. The Commission stressed that it is essential that the authorities carry out their function in strict compliance with the current regulatory framework in order to eliminate all forms of discrimination. In a statement it says that in most cases, people who cross the country heading to the north, are exposed to serious dangers as they travel in inhumane conditions on trucks or freight trains, with no drinking water or food to survive. Among other objectives, the Programme of Assistance to immigrants of the CNDH supports the promotion, dissemination and education through links with various institutions, organizations and associations of immigration connected with the migratory phenomenon, public or private, national and international. This National autonomous Organization, approaches immigrants, periodically, provides them medical care and food, as well as legal assistance. From January to June 2013 791 visits were carried out to help 23 thousand 325 people. 4,475 people were assisted in public squares and railway stations. (AP) (Agenzia Fides 23/07/2013)