AMERICA/HONDURAS - The Pastoral Care of Migrants also involves the parishes

Friday, 15 March 2013

Comayagua (Agenzia Fides) - There are 10 parishes involved in the Pastoral Care of Migrants (PMH in Spanish) in the Diocese of Comayagua. Sister Lidia Mara Silva de Souza, national coordinator of the PMH, attended the election of the new diocesan management Group of the Diocese last weekend and the presentation of this year’s work.
The Association of the Scalabrinian Sisters, is at the forefront in the Pastoral Care of Migrants in Honduras. The sisters have always offered support to the Bishop of Comayagua, Mgr. Roberto Camilleri Azzopardi, O.F.M., and for several years have been working in the formation, preparation and sharing of materials and visits to migrants, migrants who have returned, and their families. The Scalabrinian sisters and the group of diocesan work, depending on the status of a migrant's life and family, offer spiritual, moral and economic help.
Honduras is part of the group of four Central American countries where the phenomenon of migration is stronger. Figures of the Migration Institute of Mexico, concerning only emigrant children are alarming (see Fides 18/09/2012). In 2012, from January to August, 2.424 unaccompanied minors arrived in Mexico who were then sent back to their countries of origin. We are talking about a 51% increase compared to the same period of 2011. Children who take up the "journey of hope" to reach the United States to escape from the gangs and violence in their country of origin, mostly come from Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador, which are the countries with the most number of "emigrated" children in 2012. (CE) (Agenzia Fides, 15/03/2013)
