Mexico City (Agenzia Fides) - Mission travels underground, on undergrounds: on Saturday 9th March, a group of young Catholics will get on the underground in Mexico City to bring the message of Christ to thousands of people who every day use this means of transport. "The Mision Subterranea" (Mission in the metro), as this day of evangelization has been called is organized for the second year by the youth of the Church of the Immaculate Conception of Azcapotzalco, under the slogan: "Let us go and spread our faith to who needs it."
The note sent to Fides by the Archdiocese of Mexico reports that all the parishes have joined the youth’s initiative, with the contribution of their artistic talents, with logistic support, with material for evangelization. Young people will be present on all underground lines, spreading the Gospel through songs or other artistic expressions.
This type of mission was inspired by the famous "Flashmob", organized about a month ago, in which thousands of people in cities around the world, took the underground half-naked "to have fun and show that one can do something together without having met before." "But we want to bring the Word of God in a public place like the underground. With our guitars, drums, and our voice we want to sing to evangelize.
We will also distribute postcards of saints, because people ask us to speak of the saints and the Bible." the day of "special mission underground" will end with a concert, which will be attended by hundreds of young missionaries.
(CE) (Agenzia Fides 27/02/2013)