Panama City (Agenzia Fides) – His Exc. Mgr. José Domingo Ulloa Mendieta, Archbishop of Panama, was elected President of the Bishops' Secretariat of Central America (SEDAC) for a term of four years.
The Auxiliary Bishop of the same archdiocese, His Exc. Mgr. Pablo Varela Server, was instead appointed Secretary of the SEDAC. The election took place during the General Assembly of the SEDAC, on November 29 (see Fides 28/11/2012).
The note sent to Fides Agency says that Mons.Ulloa expressed with great humility his gratitude to God, and accepted the responsibility to support the action of the Church in the region, which has as its main challenges issues such as youth, the promotion of priestly vocations, poverty and the coherence of Catholics in public life. Mgr. Ulloa had faced recently serious social and political problems of the Catholic community of which he is Pastor, only a few weeks ago, in October, he intervened to propose dialogue as the only solution to the conflict in the city of Colon (see Fides 24/10/2012). (CE) (Agenzia Fides 03/12/2012)