Rioverde (Agenzia Fides) - After being integrated into the program "From street to life," the children working at the intersections of major roads in the municipality of Rioverde, dream of finding a good job as soon as possible and to be able to pursue a career that allows them to move forward. For some, the Family Service Centre where every day they go to eat and study has become the main hope. The younger ones avoid talking about any exploitation suffered in the family or outside, and many are confident that if the institutions continue to help them, one day they can go to school and University. Through this program, the number of those who work on the street has diminished. They wear a badge with their personal data, they must respond in kind way to people and obey drivers who do not want their services. They must also comply with certain security measures to avoid risks of accidents. Through the Directorate for Public Safety these little ones are constantly monitored so that action can be taken in case they are attacked. (AP) (Agenzia Fides 23/11/2012)