AFRICA/MALI - The population is in favor of international military intervention to free the north

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Bamako (Agenzia Fides) - "The majority of the population is in favor of the proposed international military action to regain the north of Mali" says to Fides Father Edmond Dembele, Secretary of the Episcopal Conference of Mali from Bamako. After the international meeting on October 19, a military intervention by ECOWAS Countries to help the Malian army to retake the north of the Country by the Islamist groups that have been controlling it for months looms up. The meeting was attended by representatives of the UN, the African Union, the European Union and ECOWAS (Economic Community of West African States) as well as Mali and neighboring Countries such as Algeria.
"Those who live in the north and suffer the oppression of Islamist groups are annoyed by the hesitation of the power that resides in Bamako and ask for an intervention as soon as possible to regain their freedom. But also in the south, the population suffers from the crisis in the north. The entire Country is suffering and wants a speedy release of the North by Islamic groups," says Fr Dembele.
The military coup that seized power in March, only to sell it to civilian institutions said "transition", at the beginning opposed the presence of foreign troops in Mali. But after the meeting on 19 October, "within the army there were no positions manifestly against international military intervention" refers Fr. Dembele. "Just a group of parties supporting the military coup brought together a few hundred people to protest against the military intervention of ECOWAS. The majority of the population, however, are in favor of the use of weapons and external intervention to put an end to this crisis that has lasted too long," concluded Fr. Dembele. (L.M.) (Agenzia Fides 23/10/2012)
