ASIA/INDIA - An Indian court: praying at home does not have to be authorized

Friday, 12 October 2012

Madras (Agenzia Fides) - The freedom to carry out prayer meetings in private homes, of any religion cannot be prevented and do not need any permission on behalf of the civil authorities or police: is what was laid down by the High Court of Madras, capital of the state of Tamil Nadu in South India. As reported by local sources of Fides, the sentence, defined as "a success" by the Christian community, was issued in past days by Judge S. Manikumar following a complaint lodged by a faithful Christian in the district of Kanyakumari. Colachel - this is the name of the man - used to organize prayer meetings at home with other Pentecostal Christians. The police and the civil administration of the district, he said, had put in place measures to prevent or interfere with the conduct of such meetings. The judge, however, made it clear that such prayers can be stopped by the police only if they "bring public nuisance or noise, break the health or public morality or violate the rights of other residents," according to the current regulations. Otherwise, the state authorities have no power and right to prevent the freedom of the faithfuls' prayers, as this would be a limitation of the "freedom to practice and profess any religion," guaranteed in the Constitution of India.
As reported to Fides Agency by the "Evangelical Fellowship of India", in past days in Mysore, in the state of Karnataka, four policemen stopped a prayer meeting in the home of Christians, hitting the Pastor and confiscating Bibles, citing the "lack of authorization. " Also in Karnataka, near the town of Arasikere, a large group of Hindu extremists raided a private home, making the Christians gathered in prayer escape. The local police did not allow Christians to organize a new meeting.
Father Dominic D'Abrio, spokesman for the Catholic Bishops' Conference of India (CBCI), told Fides: "The judgment of the High Court of Madras is a good sign for Christians and all believers, who see their sacred right to the freedom of religion confirmed. I think it can be an example and encouragement, helping believers in India feel free to cultivate their spiritual life. It is also a victory for the rule of law, since the freedom of worship is expressly protected by the Constitution. As Christians, we will continue to emphasize the importance and the fundamental value of religious freedom, the foundation of all other freedoms." (PA) (Agenzia Fides 12/10/2012)
