ASIA/HONG KONG - "The love of the Good Shepherd: loyalty and sacrifice" theme of the Day of Catholic education

Thursday, 4 October 2012

Hong Kong (Agenzia Fides) - "The love of the Good Shepherd: loyalty and sacrifice" was the theme of the Day of Education of the Diocese of Hong Kong held on 23 September. According to the Kong Ko Bao (the Chinese version of the diocesan bulletin), over 200 students of Catholic schools and 12 principals attended the celebration presided over by Msgr. Dominic Chan, diocesan Vicar. This annual event of the diocese, according to Msgr. Chan’s words, "is to promote Catholic education giving special attention to the most vulnerable." At the end all those present - students, teachers, principals and even parents - renewed their commitment to fidelity to the call of the Good Shepherd in front of the diocesan Vicar.
According to the Hong Kong Catholic Church Directory 2011, to August 31, 2010, the Diocese of Hong Kong had 357,000 faithful, equivalent to 5% of the population. In the diocese there are 69 diocesan priests, 240 religious priests and 54 religious who are not priests of 16 congregations that run 49 schools, 489 women religious of 28 congregations that run 70 schools. In addition, the diocese runs a hundred schools that, together with schools of religious congregations, have a total of 191,382 students and 11,612 betwenn teachers and staff members. (NZ) (Agenzia Fides 04/10/2012)
