AFRICA/MALI - "We appreciate the President's efforts for peace and national unity," write the Bishops

Monday, 1 October 2012

Bamako (Agenzia Fides) - "We pray, like all Malians, for the Country’s unity and for the return of peace," write the Bishops of Mali in a letter addressed to the President ad interim, Dioncounda Traoré. The document, sent to Fides Agency, was drawn up at the end of the Plenary Session of the Episcopal Conference of Mali, which was held at the end of September.
The Bishops expressed their appreciation for the pardon granted by the President to those who, in May, attacked him in the presidential palace (see Fides 22/5/2012 and 28/07/2012), and claim to share the concerns of the Head of State for the situation in the north of the Country, in the hands of some fundamentalist groups. "We welcome once again your plan to solve problems through dialogue, before using other means" says the letter.
The Bishops also greet the formation of the new government of national unity and "take note of the creation of the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Worship." "We hope that this ministry takes care of the tasks that have been entrusted to it: the strengthening of the secular State; the strengthening of dialogue among all religions and peaceful coexistence among all religions" conclude the Malian Bishops. (L.M.) (Agenzia Fides 01/10/2012)
