ASIA/TAIWAN - For the Year of Faith also a contest for the hymn that uses "the cultural resources of indigenous peoples"

Friday, 21 September 2012

Tai Pei (Agenzia Fides) - The organization of four Seminars, the publication of brochures, a competition for the hymn of the Year of Faith made by the indigenous peoples of the island: are some of the initiatives of the Church of Taiwan launched in view of the Year of Faith which will begin on 11 October 2012. The Bishops of Taiwan also wanted to emphasize that the path towards the Year of Faith is situated in the course of the 50th International Eucharistic Congress, and is therefore characterized by an intense devotion to the Eucharist.
According to information gathered by Fides Agency, the Regional Episcopal Conference of Taiwan entrusted the Episcopal Commission for the Liturgy the organization of four Seminars "Sharing the Message of the Year of Faith" which will have the following themes: " Pope Benedict XVI’s Motu Proprio The door of faith "(to be held on September 26, with Fr. Chen Ke, Secretary of the Regional Episcopal Conference)"; Christ gathers us to listen to him and to be nourished by the Word of God, so that we become a community of thanksgiving " (on October 23), "Christ gathers us to be nourished with the Bread of Life and consolidates us so that we take our mission" (November 28); "The worship and its preparation" (December 26). The Commission has also published brochures for parishes, with the opening liturgy of the Year of Faith.
Since there are many indigenous people on the island, to encourage their participation in the Year of Faith, the Church of Taiwan, through the Commission for the Liturgy, has also launched a competition for the Hymn of the Year of Faith. From October 6 to November 3, four contests will be held in the Diocese of Tai Pei, Tai Chung, Kao Hsiung Hua Lien to choose the best hymn "using the cultural resources of indigenous people, to compose a hymn of praise to God " according to the statement of the Commission. (NZ) (Agenzia Fides 21/09/2012)
