ASIA/INDIA - The Home of Hope - Marialaya accommodates 200 girls and the young disadvantaged Dalits

Thursday, 13 September 2012

Dharmapuri (Agenzia Fides) - The house for the young people of Dharmapuri was recently inaugurated and opened : Home of Hope - Marialaya. The project involved the extension of the home of the Salesian Sisters of the district in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu to give hospitality to approximately 200 disadvantaged children and young people, from rural villages and belonging to the group of Dalits. The new home is a great opportunity for women and girls in the area. The nuns in fact, thanks to the new structure will be able to ensure the girls to continue their studies and accompany their personal development and the acquisition of additional skills in the construction industry, in business management and in group activities. In addition, the house can accommodate young people fleeing from situations of abuse and violence, where they can find their specific reintegration pathways. (AP) (Agenzia Fides 13/09/2012)
