Santa Cruz (Agenzia Fides) - On Sunday, September 9, the Church in Bolivia celebrates National Migrants Day and Refugees under the slogan: "Migration and New Evangelization." This year, the main activities will be held in Santa Cruz, where at the end of the day, Cardinal Julio Terrazas, Archbishop of Santa Cruz de la Sierra, will preside at the Eucharistic celebration which will be followed by a big fair organized by the Pastoral Care of Human Mobility.
"The slogan Migration and New Evangelization wants to draw attention to the fact that our Bolivian immigrants, when they leave, they bring with them their religious culture and at the same time, immigrants who come bring their own devotions," said the head of the pastoral care of migrants, Mario Videla. At least three million Bolivians have migrated abroad. "Argentina is the country that has received the largest group, with about 1.2 million Bolivians, the rest are distributed in Brazil, with 600,000 immigrants, Spain and the United States; we know that there are Bolivians also in Sweden, Finland and the Netherlands ", said Videla. In spite of the efforts by the national government to combat poverty, Bolivians are leaving the country because there are no economic conditions to stay.
The note sent to Fides says that in these days, in Santa Cruz, the IV International Conference on human trafficking is being held, also the Pastoral of Human Mobility is present. Important international experts from various countries and heads of institutions of Bolivia are attending the Conference, in order to establish guidelines for assistance to victims of trafficking and to combat human trafficking in Bolivia. (CE) (Agenzia Fides 07/09/2012)