ASIA/PAKISTAN - Two new witnesses in favor of Rimsha; threats to Paul Bhatti

Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Islamabad (Agenzia Fides) - The legal front in favor of Rimsha Masih strengthens: yesterday two new witnesses were added to Hafiz Zubair, deputy imam of the mosque, confirming the accusations against Imam Khalid Jadoon of falsifying evidence. Rimsha’s story has found a broad consensus of moderate Muslim leaders such as Hafiz Tahir Ashrafi, leader of the '"All Pakistan Ulema Council". Nevertheless, the case fuels tension: Yesterday Paul Bhatti, Special Adviser to the Prime Minister for National Harmony, very active concerning Rimsha’s case, was forced to remain locked up in his office, at the Ministry of Harmony, due to an alarm for his personal safety, for possible attempts on his life. Bhatti had to participate in a televised debate on "Dunya News TV" along with Tahir Ashrafi and Fr. Rehmat Hakam Michael, Vicar General of the Diocese of Islamabad-Rawalpindi, but was only able to establish a link from his office. Bhatti today was assigned a new special escort and the Counselor went to the Senate for the assembly session.
Meanwhile, as anticipated to Fides by Fr. Francis Nadeem (see Fides 01/09/2012), it is confirmed that behind Rimsha’s case there is land mafia: some speculators wanted to drive Christians out from the suburb of Mehrabadi for economic reasons, since the value of the houses in that area of Islamabad has risen. For this reason they played up the blasphemy case, which was to serve as a crowbar. Most of the families in the suburb, say sources of Fides, are faithful fled from Gojra, a town set on fire by Islamic radicals in 2009, for an alleged case of blasphemy. It was the then Shahbaz Bhatti, Minister for Minorities, to assign to the IDPs such housing on the outskirts of the capital. (PA) (Agenzia Fides 04/09/2012)
